Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!
Wrapter will be in Long Beach at the Veterans Stadium for the So-Cal Cycle Swap meet this Sunday June 22.
The So-Cal Cycle Swap meet is your typical swap meet only geared towards motorcycles and bicycles.
7 am to 1 pm
$10 per person
General Parking FREE!
Bike Corral
Parking – FREE!
All adult riders & passengers – $9/person

It’s that time of year again 2014 Laughlin River
Wrapter will have a booth set up again in front of the Colorado Belle for the 32nd annual Laughlin River Run. We look forward to the River Run each year but this year is special to us. We have made some big improvments to our image. Not only do we have a whole new booth design, we also have some great new videos: How To and Introduction Video We are also working hard on finishing up our newly designed Website. We look forward to another fun time at the Laughlin River Run.
See you there!
2014 Laughlin River Run April 23rd-27th
For event info. Concerts, lodging, and all the other good stuff, click here: 2014 Laughlin River Run Official Site.
Preventing long hair from tangling
Originally designed for keeping your hair free from knots when riding motorcycles, the Wrapter works great for keeping your hair out of your face and tangle free when doing all sorts of other activities. Use it when you exercise, riding horses, cycling, yoga, running, food prep, swimming, sports, sleeping or just cleaning the house. The Wrapter is a unique and simple way to keep your hair protected.