by Chickthatrides | Nov 14, 2018 | Promo, Strictly Moto
Save on International shipping rates from US to Australia! Buy direct from Wrapter Ponytail Wraps are now available in Australia. Visit Ladies Motorcycle Gear at Questions: [email protected]...
by Chickthatrides | Jul 22, 2016 | Strictly Moto
Excited to announce Paula’s Motorkleding in the Netherlands is now carrying our Wrapter Ponytail wraps. Like Paula’s Motorkleding on Facebook
by Chickthatrides | Oct 27, 2014 | Strictly Moto
Wrapter has a new distributor in Spain, For Kustom Riders At you will find an online store offering motorcycle apparel and gear for men and women as well as accessories for your motorcycle. The blog features up to date info on local events and...
by Chickthatrides | Sep 15, 2014 | Strictly Moto, Uncategorized
There are plenty of us girls that ride motorcycles. However, there is not a whole lot of options when it comes to shopping for our motorcycle gear. I just don’t get it, we love shopping, you would think more retailers would catch on to that. So, I think...