Our newest dealer located in Arkansas carries a big variety of motorcycle accessories, rider apparel as well as fun stuff like patches, jewelry andĀ  guardian bells. You can find them online or check out their event list to see what motorcycle event...

Now Available in Spain -For Kustom Riders

Wrapter has a new distributor in Spain, For Kustom Riders At you will find an online store offering motorcycle apparel and gear for men and women as well as accessories for your motorcycle. The blogĀ  features up to date info on local events and...
It’s that time of year again 2014 Laughlin River

It’s that time of year again 2014 Laughlin River

Wrapter will have a booth set up again in front of the Colorado Belle for the 32nd annual Laughlin River Run. We look forward to the River Run each year but this year is special to us. We have made some big improvments to our image. Not only do we have a whole new...